Tribute to Guitar 5

-GuitarEnsmbleofMeridian- Proudly presents ----- Guitar 5!
They played: Concerto (Guitar 5)
Bridge Over Troubled Waters (Guitar 2)
Section Leader
Han Zhong
A.Section Leader
Jun Yi
Hiu Yan
Jean Tet
Huan Yu
Well, actually, guitar 5 got members in and out. There's Teck Teng who I personally want to rope him into Guitar 5, however, well, I also do not know what went wrong. And there's Johnson. He came for a lesson, disappeared after that. Actually, out of Johnson, Zhi Yi, Kevin, he's the only one with hope. However, I failed to being him to the correct path. There's Nicholas who also disappear after 1 or 2 lesson. Well, there was this once when we were going home on MRT together, Lynn called, and we chatted throughout the journey. Could that be the cause of his departure? Haha! But he left with my concerto score! Boo!(Digressing here)
Anyway, firstly, Guitar 5! We did it! Isn't it nice to always begin sectionals with a few words? Haha! anyway, we braved through the stormy weather and bright sunshine for the past one year. For Huan Yu and Jean, for the past 4 months. It's been a hard year hasn't it? How Guitar 2 was screwed most of the time. How we did not manage to come in at the upbeat, how we kept playing wrong notes and have to change it here and there. We overcame all those obstacles, and together, we bonded. Not to that great an extent, however, I must say bonds existed.
Initially, guitar 5 was so small and not playing that well, that I actually thought we might be split and sent to different sections as an individual! That would certainly be disastrous! However, as we grew in size and with that comes volume, as well as the vast improvement everyone is experiencing, I must say that being the section leader gives me lots of satisfaction. Seeing each and everyone of you blossem throughout the months, from not knowing how to play a guitar, to playing it with so much confidence! I'm proud of you people!
Fate had brought us together as a section. However, we all know that it is impossible that we will always be together. Let's cherish those past memories and let them continue to enrich your life, continue to give you confidence. Lastly, I hope that I've made a difference to each and everyone of you, be it in terms of attitude, guitar skills, or whatsoever! You people will be missed!

Hey Jun Yi! Like what Huan Yu said to me, thanks for teaching me the 2 pieces, from the first note to the last note! And furthermore, thanks for bringing home my guitar and taking care of it for the 5 days that i'm sick! The Father of Guitar 5. Without him, none of us could play anything! Well, other than Jean that is. Definitely the key player of Guitar 5. His enthusism never at once wear off.
He's an excellent guitar player too! Came in without any music background but played the two pieces at such a high standard! There was a form of telepathy between the two of us. It always seems that when I screw up, he played brilliant and the same applies. On knowing that he is nervous, I just told myself that I've got to be calm. If not, who will calm the Part down? I suppose the same is going through his head when I'm nervous. however, the irony is that for SYF, we were both nervous and we both screwed up Vivaldi pretty badly before recovering for bridge. Lol!
Lastly, yup, even though guitar has unofficially ended, we will still got for concerts and outings together right? Lol! Yup!

Hiee! Xiao Xin! Firstly, thanks for making such a beautifully designed card-y thingy just before SYF itself! So touched that you actually stayed till 1 plus that night just to complete it. It's very nice and greatly appreciated! So sweet! [Haha! I like hand made stuff la, plus the fact that it mentioned about GEM not being able to host a concert this year, therefore, she went to scout for a picture that had relevance to a guitar concert, woah! That certainly made that cardy more special!]
Hiu yan has definitely established herself from a soft player to a confident player over the past few months. As she got music background, she's great with the timings which were very inportant for Bridge. There were times whereby I had to listen to you to know when to come in! She developed into a rather loud player too.
Yup, and thanks for teaching Charlene all that you learnt. That is so nice of you! =>, going the extra mile. Yup, and she's one real caring girl. Too bad didn't manage to unveal her earlier last year, therefore could not help her bond with guitar. I have a strong feeling that she wants to be closer to guitar, just that she feels that it's too late or something, and that she could not break into the clique. Quite saddening. Nevertheless, she said she managed to be closer to the Guitar 3 peeps! So yup, Cheers!

Charlene! During the last few months, her attitude towards Guitar really changes. She tried her best and spent lotsa time practicing. Music don't lie. From what I hear, she really improve tremendously. This could be supported by Cheryl whom mentioned that her attitude changed for the better during March/ April.
Your effort is definitely appreciated and knowing what you put in for guitar, I'm proud of you! You have blossem under the guidance of Hiu Yan and I suppose you should be proud of yourself too! Afterall, we clinched a GOLD! :)
Anyway, heard that this girl's a pro in GP/ Lit! Furthermore, she's an excellent designer! (She designed the front Logo of Guitar Shirt.) She has what I wanted! I'm so envious. Perhaps you could think about the next batch's guitar Tee Logo? Lol Kidding! Yup, Stay Cool!

To the member that gave Guitar 5 hope. Jean!
First plus point: She self taught Concerto and Bridge
Second plus point: She's a loud player
Third plus point: She an excellent Guitarist
Forth plus point: She aspire to be the next Chairperson of Guitar! *Hint*
Fifth plus point: She's always wearing a smile and thus making her such a joy to teach!
Seriously, before Jean stepped foot into Guitar 5, we only have 4 members. The quantity is pathetic! And thus, with so few people, it certainly means a higher risk of being totally covered. Not that it matters for Concerto. However, ever since Jean stepped foot into Guitar 5, she established herself as a wonderful player, blur at times, or rather, most of the time, quite dao too, but very capable.
Lastly, Jean's a pretty nice girl too. But seriously la, a chairperson cannot be blur to tht standard k! Yah, I agree that Cheryl's rather blur too, however, you are of a higher standard in that aspect. Therefore, try not to be so blur k! You will make a good Chair / Vice!

Guitar 5 is not completed without our very own Huan Yu!
P.S. He aspire to be the future chairperson of GEM too! *Hint* (I never psycho either of them k! Even though I'm about to. However, when Jean said they(Jean and Huan Yu) want to be Chairs, I was so happy for them!) Afterall, they are the sole desendents of guitar 5 left. Might as well aspire to be the top!
The inclusion of Huan Yu certainly helped Guitar 5 a lot. Similar to Jean, he's a JC1! However, they have more differences then similarities. Firstly, similar to me, he do not know how to read score! Therefore, there was the stay back sessions which he was quite enthu about. Mainly because he wanted to master Concerto! However, he's an extremely fast learner! Well, probably he's very serious when it comes to learning, as well as he spends time practicing over and over again the same part till it is committed to memory. Next, similar to Jun Yi, he memorise scores at an amazing rate! Due to the fact that he do not rely on the score AT ALL, therefore, as I'm teaching him, he is already memorising them.
Still remembered the time whereby he was uncertain about his future. He sounded very sad, not knowing if he could stay in MJC, more importantly, stay in GEM and take part for SYF. Afterall, he put in much effort and it is a waste not to include him. In addition to that, Guitar 5 need him to boost volume. Fortunately, with the help from Dear Mr Ng, he managed to get in through appeal quite easily. Yup, as mention by Mr Ng, he is a key player of Guitar 5, and it's true! he played extremely well! Could hear through the mics! Well, a great teacher could only produce great students right? Dream On! He had this skills through frequent practicing and 100% of the credit belongs to him!
With his enthusism, leading Guitar to greater glory/ Heights will definitely not pose a problem to him! Come one! have confidence! I'm always backing you on! Cheers!
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