Tribute to guitar 3

They Played: Concerto (Guitar 3)
Bridge Over Troubled Waters (Guitar 2)
Concerto Guitar part 3 is by no mean an easy part to play! Their timings are very important and can go wrong easily, prior to guitar 1 and 2. If they are well coordinated, guitar 3 for concerto could blend in with them nicely. Despite it being a relatively difficult score, the 7 of them worked hand in hand to see through April 28. Furthermore, they were playing Bridge Guitar 2 which also requires them to keep track of the timings. Not easy, however, they did a wonderful job on both pieces.
Special mention to Guitar 3 for Bridge, they were excellent! There were also quite a few of them whom played relatively loud! Cheers! This lesson the workload of Guitar 5! Nevertheless, congrats on playing extremely well on SYF itself! Woohoo! Nice deh!
Section Leader
Li Jun
Hey! I didn't know you will be so tense up before SYF! Scary xia! However, it's ok, you did great! In fact, the whole of Guitar 2 for Bridge played exceptionally well! Yay! In the beginning everyone was depending on her for the timings as apparently, she was the only one whom could follow timings given that she also know how to play the song. Therefore, everyone was trying to listen to her play! That must have been pretty stressful!
Li Jun was actually from the string Ensemble (was it? or just the violin?) Anyway, Yup, she plays the violin! I know what you are thinking! Can she play concerto on violin? I also want to hear! Lol! Violin's such a nice instrument. Elegant and class.
Yup, a great section leader whom led Guitar 3 with class! She's also a patient lady I suppose, seemed to me that she is very patient with her members. That is so unlike me. Anyway, rock on ya! Perhaps learn the harp or cello in University? Then you can play a mini string ensemble yourself! Cool!
A. Section Leader
Siew Wei
She took up the intiative to cover up for Li Jun in her absence. Always together with Rebecca and Yian Sin. Hey! That reminds me of Jun Kit, jun Yi and of course, Han Zhong! Cool! Anyway, yup, another plus point is that she figures out her score herself! (I suppose) Therefore, lessening the workload of Li jun. Very passionate about guitar-ing therefore she went to various concerts and outings with her clique!
Xiao wei's a nice person to chat with too! Especially in chinese, because she speaks fluent chinese! furthermore, she's very loyal to her friends and so on! Yup! Great to have her on Guitar Ensemble of Meridian! Yippee!
Shi Hui, Grace, Chew Geok, Pei Yi
Sorry! Writing all of your tributes together because I don't quite know either of you. I can match your name and face, however, I don't know all of your personality, therefore, making it extremely hard for me to write individually. Sorry! Anyway, yup, they form the backbone of Guitar 3! I suppose they have forged a strong friendship amoung themselves, yup!
Even though it is a majority of girls, Leon managed to blend in well together with them. joined SYF only in 2005, however, he's a great player, as well as a fast learner! He even learnt the score Bridge faster than me! He's a very nice guy whom offered to teach me Bridge at the beginning. That was also partially how I managed to survive then.
Very nice guy. Great friend and very approachable. Hey! Have a memorable stay in the wonderful place of Guitar Ensemble of Meridian k! Continue to let your personality shine!
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