The commitee rally for Guitar Ensemble of Merdian came before many other CCAs. Reason being, we did not need to wait for our seniors to step as apparantly, we are the pioneer batch of guitarists that manage to survive every ordeal!
On that very fateful day, I did not have a speech in hand. It was impromtu, even though I did think of some points to say, and some points to take note. There was no rehearsal or whatsoever. There were 11 spots chased after by 15 members. I realised my speech was rather irrelevant after the council election, because the things that I said are not saying how I will help benefit the CCA, but is like a form of self introduction. Only 1 sentence is relevant:"Together, let's scale Guitar to greater height." Haha! I mention I was from NCC and council, and I remembered Ci Yuan was from NCC and Council too, similarly, We were both staff sgt. as well as Com. in Council. Such a coincidence! Well, anyway, I suppose my plentiful hand gestures did help me in one way or another, whether it was to attract attention or to show that I am confident of myself, or if that was just to help me keep calm. I managed to squeeze through the rally. Another reason could be that, I was the only one placing "Secretary" as first choice option. The other was Mei Jie, who placed it in second choice option. [I do have good memory!]
Thoughts: I'm very grateful to be elected as this open up a brand new chapter of my life and made staying in guitar more memorable and fruitful. Come to think of it, it is even more prestigious than being a staff sgt. and council com. There are only 14 guitar secretarists in the whole of Singapore in that year, the number may even be 13! However, there are so many hundreds of staff sgts, and council people around! Being the secretary also gave me valuable insights on stuff and allowed me to continue taking up leadership positions. I gained lotsa experience working with the commitee too. I was taught many valuable skills, eg. how to type a note of meeting even before PW taught us! This is also one reason why guitar mean so much to me, and also, why I was so attached to guitar, why I adore guitar so much, why I was so enthu about it. Thanks for giving me this opportunity, and I really treasure it!
The commitee members are:
Chair -- Jun Kit
Vice Chair -- Cheryl
Secretary -- Han Zhong
Treasurer -- Bibi
Student conductors -- Johanna
-- David
Quarter master -- Jonathan
Quarter mistress -- Fazlinda
Publicity Head -- Mei Jie
Section Leader -- Dody

There's some stuff that I had to do immediately after being appointed. That was to type out the Note of meeting on that day, the commitee contact list, plan the relay system, the particulars of members, etc. Subsequently, I need to find out the birthdays from every single one of you, and type out all notes of meetings. Other than that, it is actually quite an easy task. Oh yah, not forgetting need to set up music stand for Mr Liauw, and occasionally help the chairs do some stuff when both of them have something on, which is rare. However, all these are enjoyable and fun! Haha!