Recruitment and Orientation for second intake
Yup, a particulars list, and a table was all we had for recruitment. However, with the enthusism of the people, always going around and pulling people to our booth, enticing them with a small and soft guitar "performance", we managed to rope in 50 odd members. Mr Ng is so proud of us that he gave us the very first treat--> Swensen! Inside Swensen, I remember meeting Johanna, Mei Jie and Rebecca. Rebecca I remembered because she was a former guitarist in her Sec School. Mei Jie cause she was the publicity of Library in her former school, Johanna was just that "What, you mean you did not know her throughout the first 3 months?" Haha! Anyway, Mr Ng already like to split the cliques up and have them sit at different corners! Haha!

As I stayed on, there was this privllege to "run" the second orientation. I suppose I took part in it because people like Cheryl and Jun Kit are sort of in charge for it. (Ya, they already harbour thoughts of vice president at this point of time. Haha! Yah, Vice pres, neither wanted to be Chair.) Well, all I remember was that we played a running and chasing game, and the person that I could remember running the most was actually Elaine Toh! Frankly speaking, I doubt that it is a good game for interaction and ice breaking because not everyone could be part of it. (As in not everyone was "tagged") So it may be boring for some. However, It exposed me to more people, and well, that was the start with the current batch of Guitar Ensemble members whom rock my life!
Thoughts at this point of time was that actually, guitar members already have passion for guitar. Throughout the recruitment, the commitment for guitar could already be seen. Started to look at guitar in a different light after orientation. It may not be my cup of tea, however, the people are worth making friends with!
Yup, a particulars list, and a table was all we had for recruitment. However, with the enthusism of the people, always going around and pulling people to our booth, enticing them with a small and soft guitar "performance", we managed to rope in 50 odd members. Mr Ng is so proud of us that he gave us the very first treat--> Swensen! Inside Swensen, I remember meeting Johanna, Mei Jie and Rebecca. Rebecca I remembered because she was a former guitarist in her Sec School. Mei Jie cause she was the publicity of Library in her former school, Johanna was just that "What, you mean you did not know her throughout the first 3 months?" Haha! Anyway, Mr Ng already like to split the cliques up and have them sit at different corners! Haha!

As I stayed on, there was this privllege to "run" the second orientation. I suppose I took part in it because people like Cheryl and Jun Kit are sort of in charge for it. (Ya, they already harbour thoughts of vice president at this point of time. Haha! Yah, Vice pres, neither wanted to be Chair.) Well, all I remember was that we played a running and chasing game, and the person that I could remember running the most was actually Elaine Toh! Frankly speaking, I doubt that it is a good game for interaction and ice breaking because not everyone could be part of it. (As in not everyone was "tagged") So it may be boring for some. However, It exposed me to more people, and well, that was the start with the current batch of Guitar Ensemble members whom rock my life!
Thoughts at this point of time was that actually, guitar members already have passion for guitar. Throughout the recruitment, the commitment for guitar could already be seen. Started to look at guitar in a different light after orientation. It may not be my cup of tea, however, the people are worth making friends with!
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