Guitar Ensemble of Meridian

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Concerts anyone?

Concert #1:
What: SYF Instrumental Ensembles Presentation 2005
Where: Singapore Conference Hall
When: 6 July (Wed), 7:30pm
Tickets: $2 from SISTIC

Additional info: For the first time IE presentation is held in a concert hall setting.
Previously, IE presentation were always either held in open areas like Jurong Bird Park, Botanical Gardens or Chijmes. This is also the first time tickets are available to public through accessible means.

Concert #2:
What: “Colours of Life” by the ACJC Guitar Ensemble
Where: ACJC LT4
When: 22 July (Fri), 7:15pm
Tickets: $10 and $15. Place order with Ms Teh by 5th July (Tuesday)

As copied from cjc guitar's blog.. at ... yup...

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Isn't this exciting? Now everyone can post their pictures on this account~ then we can have a look at them without having to send here and there. So much more convenient ya? So what are you waiting for? Create an account and start uploading photos! -_-" Lame.

Anyway, flickr is the webby which the guitar photos for the farewell chalet is uploaded.

From jun kit's yan ting's and yours truly, my camera too~ Yup~ have fun!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Guitar Farewell.

Photos at whereas tagboard at the bottom of the page. (For the benefit of those using Internet Explorer. For those using Mozilla/Firefox, it will appear as normal. Ya. Enjoy!

Firstly, as there are a total of 125 pictures, I shall not be sending it to any of you people. Just click on the link with the photos on the right column ok? Can copy the photos from there! Yup!

Ok, the farewell officially marks the end of the pioneer's journey as guitarist of Meridian Junior College, however, it also marks the new beginning of Guitar Alumni. The time for us had finally come to an end. Our journey to gold was definitely the highlight to our short one and a half years in GEM.

Ok, well, normal stuff were done during the chalet, with the exceptional thing being the performances and stuff. Our dearest JC1s sang 2 songs for us! The first being our SYF song, Bridge over troubled waters, which i find the lyrics rather touching at that point of time. The other song they sang was qing fei de yi. Was it? I couldn't quite remember already. Was busy snapping pictures here and there.

Mr Liauw's performance was a guitar performance, which he promised to play for us when he did not play during the TJC's concert. After which, he actually played guitar for some of us in the room! Playing songs like bridge solo, La Cumparsita solo, B.M. Solo, and the concerto which he wants the next batch of syf peeps to play! Wow!

Mr Ng also performed on Guitar! "All TJ can play the Guitar" Wah seh! Wonder if he will use the phrase for MJ as well!" He played the song Kojo! Right? Nice deh!

Next, I have to say, this is real sweet of the JC1s. They actually prepared numerous gifts for us! Firstly, there's the block fo everyone, and it is decorated vert nicely! There was a cert to verify us as the ROYAL GEM(pioneers)! But why Royal> I Don`t get it. And there was also this bottle thingy for the comm members with stuffs the com wrote for us! So touching! Extremely touched while reading them. Thanks!

Mr Ng gave us a CD compilation of the photos and songs we had. And Mr Liauw gave autographs! Do you people realise something? Out of all the anxiety of asking Mr Liauw to autograph, we did not obtain the signature from the man whom made the CD! Mr Ng! Oh man! What is wrong with us? Lol! Mr Choong also made us a bookmark and added 2 chocs along with it! Mr Liauw bought us a lot o ice creams which disappointingly, we only managed to finish 2 tubs? With the remaining going to Mr Ng's class probably? Yah. So touched.

I love this chalet man. The JC1s. Mr Ng, mr Liauw. Really a big thank you to all who made this possible. And of course, the 42 members of the SYF team, for it is u guys that made GEM such a lovely place to be in. With that, I close this chapter of, and let's start a new beginning with the Alumni! =>

Mr Ng's Message to all.

Dear j2 gem members, Thank you for the wonderful memories……………. It was the biggest gathering we ever had so far for guitar ensemble on the 6 June 2005. I remember I ever spent hours preparing hand-made gifts for some graduating classes in my initial years of teaching. But to receive such elaborate gifts from students – that’s my first and it came from you people. The little guitar metal piece with my name, the guitar pillow (I heard you sew it yourself?), and the big, big album with photos and messages – and what’s best of all – its home made! The little messages – some poetic, some with fancy decorations and drawings, others sweet and simple – even a simple note of “thank you” already suffices. I believe I’ve being blessed with this wonderful batch of pioneers for guitar ensemble. Some left us along the way, but you people stuck with us and see us through. Getting a gold for syf is not the ultimate goal. Remember, the journey of this one year and 3 months is what we’ll treasure more in years to come. Hopefully, it’ll bring back some sweet memories and not forgetting the valuable lessons we all learn from this special episode of our lives. yours sincerely mr ng kar kit 7 june 2005 p.s. Hi Hanzhong, not sure if you’ve the emails of the J2’s ? If yes, kindly forward this mail to all of them, can? thanks! and let me know if any of your CD doesn’t work – I’ll see if I can replace it for you…..

Please people, pass the blog address around to people ya? Will be greatly appreciated! Pictures will be uploaded soon, using flick r.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Meridian Guitar Ensemble appeared in the newspaper!

All thanks to soccer, Merdian Junior College Guitar Ensemble is in today's papers!
"Previously tasted success.. for .. Guitar ensemble" Aaaahhh!

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For those of you who still can't see, here's a zoom up.

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Wow! Even TJC's gold with honours ensemble were not featured in The Straits Times! Lol! And what better time to publish it then today? Monday's the Chalet! Lol! Cool!

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Farewell coming. Official stepping down. Shall that mark the day of the official opening of Alumni? It's cool ain't it? At least start it when people still have feelings for Guitar. People may think:"After A levels then join la." That is not the correct way. How many people actually feel less bonded to guitar now? I suppose after so long of meeting up, that feeling is inevitable. So why not commit yourself now? Yah.. that's all I wanted to say. This blog shall malfunction at 10/06/05, when all that is to say about guitar farewell is gone. But fret not! Creating a Alumni common blog soon.. so that everyone can be a part of it! Yup :>